Membership Cards
Be sure to check your membership card to see that it is current.Also, be sure to bring your membership card with you when you come to the lodge. Again, Excise stated that they will be checking membership clubs more than in the pass and will be checking your membership cards.
Please carry these cards proudly.
Due to the raising cost of printing and sending the newsletter, the lodge will post information on the website and on face book, be sure to become a friend to Moose #1107. The web address is
Reminder for Scholarship
Moose members don’t forget to get your scholarship papers for your children going to college. You can pick up papers for this Scholarship at your school. High schools include, Caston, Tippy Valley, and Rochester Schools. Requirements are to have a mother, father, grandparent or legal guardian who is a paid up member of the Manitou Lodge. Members this is a great Scholarship for our children. Please remember to help with this so we can continue to pass these scholarships out.